Sunday, October 10, 2010

Who said Google was on the Search Engine Business?

Impossible to believe for some, and long waited for others; intelligent cars that drive themselves will be within the market in some years from now. Scientists from many countries and companies have been working on it, but only one company can do it in such practical way. Google has already been testing its own technology for this purpose, in fact they have been doing for several months. The project is still under development, but based on Google awesomeness I believe that Google will start selling this technology if they sell it (maybe it'll be another freebie) in maybe one or two years.

As scientists not only from Google but from other several countries and companies around the world, this technology completely developed can change life forever, as it will reduce or eliminate the chances of accidents while driving and even lower gas usage. Please check the following video and feel free to spread the word and make comments:

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